Very simply, yesterday was a good day. Woke up, made sure all the art pieces I had made were packaged and ready to go, and then laid on the couch for a few hours with the dog and cats watching the Overwatch Atlantic tournament. After a while, Rony joined me and it was good. All morning I did PR for the Pokestop Art Drop event, sharing and commenting to people and making sure everything was set to go. And then at 1, we headed out to Texas Tech to start leaving art pieces all over town.
Can I mention how crazy of a response I got to this little idea of mine?
In the beginning, I figured it would just be me leaving around 15 pieces around town for the Pokemon community to find. Nothing big, just a "hey if you're out hunting today you might find some art". Then, because I can't stop trying to help other people get exposure as well, I decided I would just see if any other artists wanted to donate some pieces for fun.
We had probably 15 artists? That's a lot that donated their time and efforts for free just to get art to new homes and participate in this little game. That's crazy.
And even better, we had people want to find them. Actively find them. As in I spotted multiple cars pull up to certain spots and people running out to find art. It was great. We even dropped some at some local businesses to get people to go there too.
Rony and I spent probably 3 and a half hours, driving and dropping art all over town and looking for some ourselves. By the time I got home, my phone was almost dead from moderating the event page all day, I was tired, but gosh I was so happy.
We will be doing another art drop event. Not sure when. Between the art business, shows, conventions, Ladies Night, and Geek Girl Brunch, my plate always seems full. But Hub City Comic Con is my last convention of the year, I have 1 Ladies Night left and it's pretty much planned out already, and my lovely fellow officers are helping with GGB. So I'll have time eventually.
Thanks again to everyone that donated their time and art and to all that thought a crazy art scavenger hunt across town was a good idea. Couldn't have pulled this off around you. Keep an eye on the events tab to the right for future stuff or subscribe to my events on the Facecbook page.
I'm going back to ducking my head in my office and getting things ready for Hub City.
Until next time
-Sam <3