I'm just going to admit it right here. I failed on like most of my goals. And I would say that it's because I got busy but really I got busy and lazy at the same time. No excuses. I straight up dropped the ball.
So a goal for my goals this month is to actually stick to them!
Let's recap last month's goals and see where I bombed hard.
May Goals
- Cut junk food down to only twice a week Yeah, this didn't work. I think we actually ate out more this month than previous months because of how busy we got. But somehow I lost two pounds from my last doctor's visit??? That like never happens but maybe it's the medication.
- Clean the house for at least 30 minutes a day and put away at least 20 things The garage sale and con prepping destroyed the house. It is not fit for human and animal habitation. Please send help and flame throwers.
- Read 2-3 comics/or a few chapters in a book every weekend at least I finished two books! But they were audio books... I haven't touched my comics.
- Work out once a week (home or gym) lol no
Get up earlier and leave the house by 7:50 amI'm going to give myself this one because I am getting up earlier and I'm leaving the house by 7:53-55. Which is a lot better than leaving at 8 am when I'm supposed to get there at 8 am.
Bonus: Take puppies somewhere once a week nope. Almond got sick and hurt and we got too busy dog sitting to take them anywhere. But a puppy day is in order before Leon gets fixed and then he'll be stuck in solitaire.
- One sketchbook painting a week I did do this a couple of weeks but got too busy con prepping to keep up.
Blog once a week at leastNot only did I do this, but I've been blogging at least 3-4 times a week! Yay for me!Re-Open the Etsy Shop by the end of the monthI cut it real close but I'm happy to announce that the Etsy Shop is open again as of last night and I've listed most of my new art and prints and sketchbooks!Finish printed Inktober SketchbookBoom. Got that done, had it available at the convention, and now you can get it online here- Upload two videos this month I really tried, but I got distracted and editing the house tour is a pain in the ass.
So 4/10 of the goals were done. Not the best but not the worst. Most of the ones I completed were for work so that's something, but it pretty much proves that I need to get better focusing on myself and not only the business.
Luckily things will be slower this month. The Wonder Woman gallery is tomorrow, there's only a few events but nothing big, and I have to work on only one new piece for the July gallery. That leaves me wiggle room to paint whatever I want and manage the shop and work on my personal goals.
June Goals
- Rearrange bedroom
- Clean a bit of the house every day
- Drink at least a bottle of water every day
- Yoga/workout once a week
- Get Leon fixed
- A pic a day on Instagram
- Sketch or paint a non-gallery piece once a week
- Restock jewelry
- Order 6x9 & 8x10 prints
- Scan and make print copies of all paintings
I don't think any of the goals for June are too far reaching. Like I said, this month is far less busy and I do want to get everything back in order. The house is a wreck and we're getting a new mattress soon and Leon is getting a bigger kennel so I want to make sure the bedroom will fit everything (Almond's kennel is huge and takes up most of the room.
The business is getting back into shape but still needs some cleaning up. I want to make sure everything is in stock that way I'm not scrambling to fill orders and I want to get back into the rhythm of making and posting art regularly. If anything, the hardest goals may be the drinking water and working out ones. I'm AWFUL at remembering to drink water during the day.
June should be a good month. I'm excited to kick myself back into gear and tackle new projects!
What goals do you have for June?
-Sam <3