Blog| First Tomato!

Processed with MOLDIVIMG_1658IMG_1666IMG_1668 Rony and I decided this year we would try and grow a garden in the front. Last year we had a few pumpkin plants given to us by a friend, but all three died and we weren't sure what went wrong. This time, we tilled the ground by our stoop and planted a whole pumpkin patch from seeds, got a few tomato plants, and slowly began collecting plants like white strawberries, pepper, and carrots.

The pumpkins are growing like crazy (I'll do a post about them later) and I've already plucked our first red and white strawberries, but I've been most excited about the tomatoes. I LOVE tomatoes. Like I can eat them like apples. I had a tomato plant briefly in Dallas before I moved back to Lubbock and it was the best thing.

So in our effort to be healthier and a bit greener, we've wanted to grow our own veggies.

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This one had been doing good and went from having one baby tomato to one big one and two new babies. It took a while but it finally went from green to red. I really need to get a cage for it since it's getting weighed down, but so far it hasn't been too bad about leaning to a side.

I went ahead and washed it off since some birds like to poop on the plants and we had used a plant food on all the plants to help the pumpkins vine. The tomato popped off really easily and was really firm. I don't remember what kind of tomato it is since we have three different kinds, but I think it's a beefsteak?

There was some black little holes along the bottom so I got really worried the tomato wasn't good. I honestly would have been heartbroken since at this point, it's the only veggie that has gotten to full size. Both my strawberries ended up being really small and hasn't gotten any new berries. But I sliced off the bottom and it was pretty much perfect!

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Honestly, it was one of the best tomatoes I've ever had. It was firm and kinda salty versus kind of soft and sweet like most store bought tomatoes are now. It didn't mush and had so much flavor! I tried a bit and then Rony some. I'm pretty sure he didn't believe me when I told him it was amazing, but watching him take a bite and he was blown away too.

Growing your own fruits and vegetables and plants is incredibly gratifying. One, if the plants keep producing then we won't have to buy them and two, you know exactly where the food came from! Plus it's very rewarding and you really feel proud.

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We have about four more tomato plants and hopefully they'll start producing veggies soon. My two babies are doing good and I'm excited!

Have you grown your own food before? Let me know!

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-Sam <3