Okay, I'm gonna be perfectly honest. I did horrible this month at my goals. Everything was getting derailed, I didn't feel motivated, I got sick at one point, and I got fixated on all the wrong things.
But I'm aiming to do better in July. I need to do better. There's a lot of events and things coming up and I have a few projects and challenges I want to do as well so I'll include them.
First, let's recap.
June Goals
Rearrange bedroom-I got this done and we're actually starting to hang stuff up on the wall! Leon got a new kennel and we got a new mattress and frame, courtesy of my dad!- Clean a bit of the house every day- Every day did not happen and it turned into a disaster at one point, but it's back in shape!
- Drink at least a bottle of water every day- lol. no. I failed at this miserably.
- Yoga/workout once a week- failed this one too. But now with the pool, I'm gonna try and use it to work out.
Get Leon fixed-He is officially fixed! And is getting his stitches out so yay!
- A pic a day on Instagram- Nope. The process of getting my photos to my computer and then to my phone to upload is long and sometimes I just didn't want to deal with it. But I'm working on another solution!
- Sketch or paint a non-gallery piece once a week- Nope. Got too busy and the office needs to be cleaned first before I feel comfortable painting
- Restock jewelry- Thaaaaaat's a nope.
- Order 6×9 & 8×10 prints- Money got tight so that's getting pushed back.
- Scan and make print copies of all paintings- aaaaaaaand another nope.
I have this weird thing where if the space I want to work in isn't clean, I can't do work until it's back in shape. And that has been my office. The cats took it over and I just haven't straightened it back out. So like no art work got done this month.
But that's enough about last month. We're gonna get back into gear because a lot of exciting stuff is going on next month and I want it to be a good month!
July Goals
- Restrict non-essential spending to $50 for the whole month
- Swim in the pool once a week
- Get back into using the planner
- Take the dogs on a walk once a week
- Drink more water
- Paint one thing not for an event
- Finish Wonder Woman Read Through
- Do a painting process blog/livestream
- Plan out blogs ahead of time
- Update resume and portfolio
- Start 365 Photo Challenge July 1st
- Give up red meat July 5th
- Do Vegan Challenge for a week July 20th-27th
I am bad at budgeting and sticking to it and I need to put my foot down and be better about it with moving and a Disney trip planned. So I'm going to put a limit on myself and try not to get on Amazon so much. If it's not gas, groceries, or essentials then it gets put into savings.
This month is gonna be all about getting into a routine which is good for me. I think too much chaos makes me feel drained and getting into a rhythm will help me from falling into laziness. I need to focus on my health and being healthy and I think my person goals are small steps towards that while my work goals are things I can do in my spare time.
My solution for not being able to do Instagram every day is to instead take a photo a day but just do a blog post with the whole week's recapped kind of how The Dainty Squid does her 365 Photo Project. Me and my sister will both be doing it so we'll see if we can really do a photo a day. In return, she's making me try and do a week of being Vegan the week before she comes to visit. And I already talked about giving up red meat.
Nothing too hard, but lots of focusing and getting back to it. I have at least 4 events this month, I think, plus my sister visiting and mine and Rony's anniversary so it's gonna be busy.
We'll see how I do though!
This month I'm linking up with Nicole at Writes Like a Girl so be sure to read her goals and check out the other lovely people linking up with her!
-Sam <3