Blog| Halfway to 27

IMG_2861IMG_2870 It's just about the halfway point to my 27th birthday and I've crossed off a good bit of my 27 Before 27 goals list for the year! Some I'm still working on but I'm rather proud of he progress I've made!

Let's recap the list!

27 Before 27-2

Here are 27 things I want to do before I turn 27!

  1. Save at least 4k for moving
  2. Connect with friends more outside of events - I've been hanging out with friends a lot more either like going to the movies, dinner, or by having the barbecue
  3. Finish the #52Selfies Project
  4. Minimize my possessions-  I've decluttered and cleaned out a lot and am still actively working on getting rid of things I don't need!
  5. Do one big women's event in town
  6. Visit family more often- I have been visiting more but I feel like I can do better so not crossing this off yet
  7. Take more naps
  8. Go to another concert
  9. Get another tattoo and get my nose pierced
  10. Have a solo gallery
  11. Paint a large painting
  12. Be less wasteful
  13. Do at least 3 cosplays- technically, I've done 3 already but I want to do one more at an actual convention. I don't count galleries or parties.
  14. Look into breast reduction- Did this! Unfortunately, it doesn't look like a possibility at the moment
  15. Do things that make me happy, not for money
  16. Be less harsh with my body image
  17. Learn to say no and do not stress yourself
  18. Be free to feel confident in how you look, what you love, and to not be serious all the time
  19. Take care of my body and health better
  20. Take a class
  21. Show more gratitude
  22. Try a spa-  Rony and me are going to one for our anniversary!
  23. Stop biting my nails
  24. Go roller skating again
  25. Start meditating
  26. Finish a short story and submit for publishing
  27. Learn to go running


So far saving money for Seattle has been my biggest hurdle. We just got our money saved up for our trip to Disneyland in October but even that has had set backs. I feel like I haven't made enough progress so I'm buckling down.

We did the Badass Babes dinner but I want to do something bigger if I can for a women's event. Not sure if I'll get to cross it off or the solo gallery before January since my schedule is already filling up quickly, but I'm trying! Maybe the solo gallery for my birthday? Who knows.

It's crazy to be so busy I have to plan my whole year out in advance and even then there's not enough time. I guess that shows progress?

I've been looking up concerts to try and go to and I think already have a tattoo and piercing planned for when my sister visits! Rony and me both want to take a self-defense class and roller skating again just takes me going.


Nothing is too out of bounds for getting done. Maybe the short story but the list is making a lot of progress!

I'm getting healthier, feeling more confident and balanced. I definitely think seeing a doctor for my anxiety and depression helped me even out, and these projects I'm doing for the blog are making me more okay with my body.


We'll see how the rest of the year progresses! Do you have any goals you want to achieve before your next birthday?

-Sam <3