Blog| Weekend Recap

This weekend was a busy one. Friday we kicked it off with our Lubbock Artist Collective Halloween Gallery reception on Friday the 13th. Yeah, pretty much a perfect date to have it. We had some amazing art from local artists in the collective and got to celebrate and eat treats and chat with our favorite people.

It's been crazy to think it's been one year since we started the artist collective but the art and progression of so many of the artists has been wild! It makes me so excited for future galleries!

Afterwards, Rony and I had a shindig at our house, had friends over, and got to share one of our favorite horror movies, The Babadook. Rony even has a handmade replica of the pop-up book from the movie signed by the director. It was fun and we got to play the Halloween expansion of King of Tokyo before hand as well.


The next day was a lazy, errand running day which was capped off by going to a 7 HOUR LONG Horror movie marathon. Our theater, Alamo Drafthouse, did a 4 movie marathon called Dismember the Alamo and we got to see 4 old horror movies all at once. It was a trial.

I almost died. Rony fell asleep a bit in the last and best one. Some were good, some were mind-numbing. We saw Slaughterhouse, Eaten Alive, Grizzly, and Day of the Beast. The last was my favorite, mostly because it had a pretty good plot. I'm not a fan of dumb, bad gore, horror movies and Eaten Alive gave me a headache.

But we survived!



Sunday we got up early, ran more errands like costume shopping, groceries, getting Almond's presents and treats for her birthday party, and getting flowers. We were seeing our friend act in the Addams Family Musical and wanted to get her something and finally got to see the play!

It was wonderful. I'm actually a big fan of theater and musicals, Rony less so, but we both enjoyed it a lot and Alex was wonderful <3


On the way home, we stopped at a Pumpkin farm and picked pumpkins, got ingredients for Almond's cake and cupcakes, and finally sat down and finished watching one of our movies while I worked on my Inktober.

I ended up staying up until 1am making Almond's cake and then making frozen pumpkin treats for her. Her and Leon got to lick the bowl and spoons.


And now we prepare for Disneyland in a few days. I'll be taking lots of pictures and will definitely make posts when I can! We're all excited and anxious but what better way to see Disneyland than during Halloween season!

And of course, I'll do an Almond party post too. My little baby is turning 2 and time flew so fast.

Until next time.


-Sam <3