Blog| 27 Before 27 Recap

And so we've come to the end of being 26! IMG_6250IMG_6842

It was a whirlwind of learning experiences, trying new things, and learning a bit about myself. There is always room for improvement and I think overall, I'm becoming a better person. I never would have thought that as I turn 27, I'd have a business, be in galleries regularly, be involved in events and running them, and I would know so many people.

It's been an absolutely crazy ride. I didn't get to do all the things, but I did a lot of them!


  1. Save at least 4k for moving
  2. Connect with friends more outside of eventsĀ 
  3. Finish the #52Selfies Project
  4. Minimize my possessions
  5. Do one big women's event in town
  6. Visit family more often
  7. Take more napsIMG_0675IMG_0969
  8. Go to another concert
  9. Get another tattoo and get my nose pierced
  10. Have a solo gallery
  11. Paint a large painting
  12. Be less wasteful
  13. Do at least 3 cosplaysIMG_5593IMG_8604
  14. Look into breast reduction
  15. Do things that make me happy, not for money
  16. Be less harsh with my body image
  17. Learn to say no and do not stress yourself
  18. Be free to feel confident in how you look, what you love, and to not be serious all the time
  19. Take care of my body and health better
  20. Take a class
  21. Show more gratitude
  22. Try a spa
  23. Stop biting my nails22195453_10209780669383485_6721010785168625956_n
  24. Go roller skating again
  25. Start meditating
  26. Finish a short story and submit for publishing
  27. Learn to go running

I have been hanging out with friends more and more outside of events I'm in charge of, I've gone to see my mom and sister more, and am trying to make a more conscious effort to go and hang out with my dad. I think with things slowing down this year and with a new niece on the way, I can keep this going.

Self-care has been big for me. I'm my own worst critic and have had a body image problem my whole life. I've learned to let things go a bit, wear things I love, and take care of myself. I fell off the bandwagon a bit with eating healthy but I'm good to get back on it. And I take naps now! Yay!

I barely got getting a tattoo done at the last minute! We went and got small tattoos last Friday, after our last gallery! No piercing though so it's only have crossed off.


This is the year we not only adopted Leon, but fostered Mae Mae and 5 kittens. I'm very lucky to say we've gotten two of the kittens into new homes and Mae Mae as well who is being very loved right now. Rescuing has been such a reward and I'm so glad these babies are in good homes.

Of course, not everything got crossed off. I didn't get to take a class, go to a concert, or get 4k saved up. I'm barely getting back into writing and yeah, running is a no go for me though I did use the treadmill a few times!

Overall, I did 16.5/27!

I'm proud of myself for doing so much. Sometimes, I need to just cut myself some slack and try something different. Slowly I'm getting the hang of this adult thing it's not as scary as I thought.

Here's to 27!


Happy Birthday to me :)

-Sam <3