I'm 27 now!
Nothing has changed besides the fact that I have survived 27 years of life, but isn't that a celebration on it's own?
This time around, I'm forgoing the 28 Before 28 rule, mostly because I set so many goals for 2018 and my birthday is so close to the new years. Instead, because I set 20 goals for the new year, I'm going to set just 8 to get done before I turn 28.
20+8= 28. See what I did there?
I like working towards goals and I think it helps keep me focused on the things I want to accomplish.
So what are my birthday goals this time around?
Take a Class
Once a month, unplug for a weekend
Get a passport
Learn to compost
Learn Tarot
Pay off a credit card
Learn Spanish
Call or Skype family often
This year is for refocusing and working on myself. No events to distract, just working on the big goal of moving and bettering myself. I think every now and then it's good to take a step back from hustling constantly to make sure your foundation is good. I take on a lot and if I crumble, everything else goes down too.
My next post will be all about our birthday trip to Santa Fe and how it's motivated me to plan some long-LONG term goals.
Thanks for sticking around on this craziness.
-Sam <3