In case you haven't noticed, we've got a new website!
As of right now, I'm waiting for the domain to transfer over but this is kind of exciting! I wanted my site to be more of a portfolio for my artwork and have that be the focus rather than the blog, but I'm also just kind of wanting everything to be a bit more minimalist? I loved my old one, but sometimes it felt too cluttered.
It's going to take adjusting and getting use to but I'm very excited!
I also figured out a schedule for everything! Sundays I'll be posting new videos on my Youtube, Mon/Wed & sometimes Friday I'll be posting comics to my Instagram, and Tue/Thur will be for blogs! Hopefully this will keep me active but not burn out.
I've been waiting to blog until the change is done so sorry for the absence! It's also been a busy week so let me catch you up!
This passed Wednesday we went to the University's Drag show! In High School, a lot of my friends were into drag and I've known a few as I've gotten older and try to catch shows when I can. It's always so much fun! This time the school got Chi Chi DeVayne from Rupaul's Drag Race along with a bunch of amateur acts that were amazing! We had a blast!
Saturday was the Pokemon Go Art Drop and I wanted to paint some little Bulbasaur terrariums for it. So of course, Friday night I was trying to bust them out all at once. I've been practicing with the masking fluid more and trying to figure out how to use it in a way that's easiest for me and I think I finally figured it out. You can watch the process on my youtube channel!
I think they came out pretty cute! I'll be listing the originals and prints on the Etsy shop soon!
Saturday we also attended a Letterpress Workshop that our friends were hosting! I don't know much about graphic design and letterpressing (that's more Rony's field) so it was kind of neat to see the whole process and how the designs came out. We got to select the background using a bunch of images and then each ran the machine a few times to print them. After they were dry, they switched out the ink and letters and we printed the main design!
We got two prints each on two different colored paper and I liked how the gradient of colors ended up!
If you're interested in Letterpress or any other print work, keep an eye out on the Charles Adam Studio Project page! They announce a bunch of different classes a lot!
After both the art drop and the workshop, I think we passed out for a couple of hours because of how non-stop we were running around. I also tend to get super worn out when I'm out in the sun or car too long because I'm a tiny, sensitive baby. There's a reason why I stay indoors and in darkness.
That night we also had a friend's Animal Crossing birthday party to attend. We all dressed up as different characters and decorated our friend's house with themed decorations. Our friend, Jazmin, threw everything together and made a super amazing cake! The whole thing was cute and I always love hanging out with my friends. Most of us have been together since Elementary or Middle school so there's a level of comfort there where I can chill and not have to worry much.
Plus Animal Crossing is cute as hell and I'm always down for friend time + cake.
Me and Rony have tried to start a routine of going and drawing at a coffee shop once a week. It's a good time to sit down and focus on our work and I love sitting in a well lit space with yummy coffee. We spent about 2 hours on Sunday getting work done. I had a commission I needed to finish sketching out for approval and wanted to work on my Collections zine more. He used the time to free hand practice. It was a good time.
I also crossed something off my yearly Goals list. Sunday, I took an Aerial Silks class.
I've been trying to eat healthier and work on my body more and saw that a new class was starting. My friend, Alex, takes their pole class and I managed to convince her to try Aerial Silks with me. Note: I don't work out. I haven't worked out since I got mugged last year. All I do is walk dogs now. So I am very out of shape and easily embarrassed by having to be in a class setting. It's an issue.
Aerial Silks is hard. It's a lot of upper body strength (which I don't have) and being able to lift your own body weight. I am not small. There's a lot to lift. Plus it seemed like everyone else had previous experience with the silks and here I was just trying to get off the ground.
But I had fun. I learned a few tricks and we decided to try and do it once a week. Yes, I'll have to do some working out outside of it, but it's a good start. Plus I was sore for like 3 days afterwards so something has to be happening.
I'm keeping busy, making schedules, and I'm finding something that works. I'm focusing more on my projects and to do list rather than what everyone else is up to and not letting that affect me. There are days when I don't feel the best and days when I want to tackle everything. I think these new changes will be for the best and I'm excited to change things up!
That's the blog for today! Next time we'll recap goals and make some new ones for April! Let me know what you think of the new site, the new comics, or tips for starting a workout journey!
-Sam <3